Sunday, 24 January 2010

New Year

Pictures in no particular order...

2nd night out - admission to 2 clubs, this was the second - it was well fun!

Harajuku Sidestreet

Random Russian girl

Tokyo Tower displaying "2010" bit blurry sorry - rubbish iPhone camera

These are highschool girls waiting/camping outside a very famous clothes department store called 109 on 31st. In the sales they give away sealed bags of clothes for around 40% of the retail price. They stay out all night in the cold dressed up in Cosplay outfits... dunno why. Maybe they really, really need new clothes because that's all they have left....?

Highlander - There may be only one...

Shibuya - Magic place! If you know where to look!

Lewis after recovery... Steve on the decline!

Look, girls!!!

Outside my flat ready to catch the Shinkansen to "EAST CITY"

On the Hokoshin Kyuko


What to say....

New Year was insane, and not in a “Yeah man, totally mental time. It was great” I mean it more in the psychologically disturbed, what-are-the-chances-of-that-happening type of mental. But it was still good, and certainly not a night anyone will forget in a long time!

The cast was, Myself, Keir, Brand, Steve, Lewis and Chris. We all wore Kilts except Chris as he’s from Georgia (U.S.) and already has long blond hair, putting a skirt on him and sending him to Tokyo probably would end up in some kind of horrible mistake.

We took the Shinkansen from Kobe to Tokyo – a trip of 537.5km that would take over 7 hours to drive took us just over 2 hours on the Bullet Train. It wasn’t even the fastest one which is called Nozomi (のぞみ).

Every time I go to Tokyo for a night out I end up staying out till around 9am, so this time I thought it would be a good idea not to book accommodation for the night of 31st and book us all capsules in a Capsule Hotel for the 1st and 2nd of January.

So we went to Shibuya, ditched all our bags in the lockers in the train station and hit up an Izakaya for Yakiniku and beers/chuhai’s. For those of you unaware of Chuhai’s they are alcopop type drinks and are really popular in Japan. They’re made from Shochu, Japanese alchohol similar to vodka which can be made from rice, potatoes or grains. They have loads of flavours but most popular are Lime, Lemon, Grapefruit, Apple, Plum and Peach. You get normal 4% ones and strong 8% ones…. Hmmm

Safe to say we hit a few bars and then decided to get chuhai’s from the convenience store and tan them on the street with a side order of FamilyChicken. After that we headed for Womb (A big club in Shibuya – with an underground Japanese kinda vibe – it was made more famous by appearing in the film “Babel”). Anyway that's where the trouble started. Here is a brief summary, I think it’s best not to go into elaborate detail:

1 Some underwear was removed from beneath Kilts (always a bad start I feel)

2) Jackets were or were not placed into cloakroom

3) Alcohol was consumed and countdown witnessed

4) Drinks were potentially spiked by dodgy South Africans

5) Much drama, vomiting and dizziness later one of the crew was placed in a safe room with a bucket and had what can only be described as a Hell-on –Earth experience (think Event Horizon and you’ll be on the right track)

6) More vomit, then some more then some splashback

7) Then an incident that needed stiches

8) Then some inter gang fights

9) Then an ambulance

10) Then a relieved person

11) Then some MacDonalds

12) Then the group split into two, one half going to a cinema around 8am to sleep, watch Avatar and generally destroy the interior of the cinema with bodily fluids. Whilst another faction headed to Roppongi to go to a club which opened at 6am.

13) Some sleep was had by most members of the group

14) Some people headed home whilst some people obtained horrific “sporting” injuries in a random area of Tokyo which shall never be mentioned or visited again.

15) Eventually all normality was restored an we all rendezvoused back at the Hotel in Shinjuku.

The next day people did touristy stuff like visiting the Emperor for his New Year speech, going to Akeharbara, and after food Keir, Chris and I went to Roppongi for a night out which was fun but proved to me once and for all that Roppongi is the asshole of Tokyo.

The final day we went to Harajuku to see the Cosplayers and crazy fashion and to hit the cool shops before catching the Shinkansen home. So it all ended well.

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