I took a trip with 14 other JET’s from Kobe to Hokkaido (the North Island of Japan). It’s almost on the same latitude as parts of Russia and as such it’s freezing in Winter -10C to -20C is common.The flight was about an hour from Kobe airport… I think. I didn’t sleep the night before, I stayed awake drinking all night and all morning so once on the plane I slept like a baby!
When we arrived we took a bus to Niseko which is a mountain resort and I snowboarded that night from 6pm – 9pm on floodlit pists with the most amazing powder! It was great and the off piste was even better. Unfortunatly I was pretty "Piste" myself and kept on wiping out everywhere…
I have no recollection!
The next two days were spent hardcore boarding before we took a coach back into Sapporo and stayed in an amazing hotel while we checked out Sapporo and the building of Ice and Snow sculptures for the imminent Snow Festival. Here’s the pics… and a well funny video of me wiping out while trying to film and board on the second day.
Photo's are in reverse order...
Snow Festival in Sapporo - truly amazing detail

My favourite sculpture
Ice sculpture road
Hiro Kobayashi - Legend. Asked him in the street for directions to a bar and ended up drinking with him till 3 or 4am! He had to work at a mobile phone shop at 6am!
(L) Reni (Leni) - cute girl with her mates we met in Sapporo and again here... She lives in Osaka, Andy thought they were Hostesses from their confidence and they way they dressed.... we'll see....
Chingis Kahn Tabehodai! Basically as much Lamb and Beer as you could cook and drink in 90 mins! So delicious!
Outside Sapporo Beer Garten
Batting Center - first go at Baseball
Spider Crabs - loads of big ones in Sapporo (called Kani)
Nabe in a Sapporo Izakaya
Andy and Jay
(R) Chi and her pal
Lunch on the mountain
Girls we met in Niseko, Chi, Pinky and One-Piece (Peg-leg was at the hotel with a sore leg - hence the nickname)
First meeting Japanese girls (Peg-leg is at the front)
Wha'ddya mean I'm doin' it wrong!?!
Some of the skiers...
In the bus - Suki tucking into some sushi bento
Upon hearing my request for Ponyo in Sapporo...
My wipeout - hilariously caught on a camera that isn't broken! That says something for the powder in Niseko!