Friday, 9 April 2010


My school is in a transitory period between ending one year and beginning another so there is lot’s of fun things happening now such as watching The Goonies in class and playing football and dodgeball tournaments with the 2nd year (ninensei) and 1st year (ichinensei) respectively.Here are some pictures and videos from the Ichinensei dodgeball tournament last week. They take it very seriously…

Saki (R) and another student who are both really sweet.

Who doesn't love seeing a kid in pain? Especially a blow to the crown jewels!

Here's another one who hurt his leg. See, it brings a smile to your face dunnit?

They love it!

Awesome Ichinensei girls. Reina (L) Harugu (R) the middle two's names escape me.
Reina (pronounced Leina) gave me a Betty Boop mechanical pencil, some handmade chocolates on valentines day and a note when I gave her a Toblerone on White Day* saying;

"Bobu ne Thank-you for chocolate. Good taste! I love you !

Haruga on the other hand gave me massive attitude when I first joined the table tennis club but after a lot of persistence on my part I finally made her laugh and then we were buddies. She's like the black sheep of Ichinensei, but I admire her spirit. lol

Bowing before the big game

One of my favourite students

Another one - his English is amazing (for a Maru Chu Ninensei Student). The tape is for grip, dodgeball is taken SERIOUSLY!

Wee kinda strange kid, cheeky chappie but again LOVES dodgeball

Before the matches, at the start of school, before anything really - kids always sit like this, heads down and quiet. It's kinda weird and very submissive but you get used to it.

Dodgeball in action!

Ouch! - Notice the girls are not a fan of being on camera unless they look their best ha ha. The first girl Ibu is well naughty - she's always in trouble and disrupts classes all the time. She is a strong personality to say the least! Hitomi is really sweet and friendly, we chat most lunchtimes and she teaches me Japanese tongue twisters. Today she's not interested though... :P

*White Day is the 14th of March. Boys give girls chocolate or marshmallows. Usually some kind of white sweet. On Valentines day only girls give boys chocolates (any kind). Everyone is kinda obliged to dole them out, so I got from all my female teachers and I gave them all white chocolate a month later.

1 comment:

  1. I know this blog is somewhat older, but I was googling Maruyama Junior High School as my nephew was a student there while you were a teacher I believe. He was so happy to see your blog as he had to leave Japan to come and live with us in the US. Needless to say, he may not have been your best English student at Maruyama, but he's fluent now! Love your blog.
