Bamboo in the forrest around my house

Vissel Kobe's Home Stadium (Where this weekend we trounced Urawa Red's - Kobe scored after 15 seconds!)
Biggest Bass Drum Ever! Woop woop
(Left to Right) One of my JTE's, a wee girl who is ultra friendly and always shouts Bobbu Sensei in the corridor and tries to hug me, the P.E. Teacher and three other students who I helped Make 300 Madoline cakes with to give out at the concert.
Maruyama from the otherside - I had a wee 20 min snooze on a bench here at lunchtime - in the sun listening to Andrew Bird, ahhhh
I think I’m falling in love with this place,
I know this because sometimes I get so frustrated here that I think I hate it! But later I realise that really I’m annoyed at myself because if my knowledge of Japan or grasp of the language was better the problem I’m frustrated with wouldn’t exist. Then at other times the newness of it all constantly offers nice surprises that make you feel like it’s the coolest place on Earth (which I’m seriously thinking might be the case!!)
Today for example started with a trip to the KEC, Mon-Wed were spent at school whiling away hours observing the sports clubs and preparation by the band for the School’s first Summer Show, along with chatting to my new ultra friendly JTE and making a board in the hall all about the Scotland and English.
We have 2 days of Job training, it’s O.K. some presentations are really good others, Ma-Ma (Japaense for So-So, clever huh?). Anyway I left early at 3pm because my School have got me involved in singing with them in the show, I practised yesterday singing The Carpenters “On Top Of The World” and 2 Japanese Songs… I just had to stand there looking keen and humming bits! Lol! Incidentally one of the songs was from Okinawa, a place I’m thinking of going on my 4 days off next month and the other one is the theme tune to an Animated film by the famous Director of “Spirited Away”. Anyway when I got back to my desk of of the Japanese Teachers had written out the Hirgana to the whole song in Romanji – So it looked a bit like this).
Ro Ku Ro Ku ------ No Kyo, Sha Bu Sha Bu Ma Ke. Ko To Me Kyo Bo Cho.
[I’m sure that doesn’t make sense but I don’t have the book with me!]
So back to today, I got horrendously lost again, twice!! And my iPhone died on me! To cut a very long story short I managed to get my phone charged in Nagata at a mobile phone shop (they do that for you here). The place I needed to be was Nagata but it was ANOTHER ONE! 6 MILES AWAY! Of course I said, how silly of me to think there would be just one town called Nagata in Kobe! DOH!!
Anyway I got to Maruyama Chugakko, frustrated to hell (My JTE, Takarada Sensei came to pick me up – he must think I’m a mentalist!) but in the end it was cool, I got introduced to the parents , said Konichiwa in the mic to them all and even gave one of the parents a rose (they all do that here), then sang “On Top Of The World” and then sang two Japanese songs, in Japanese, in their entirety!........ Well kinda :P Anyway you’d all have been proud of me – I was. Got home at 7pm and finally cleaned my sitting room. Just the Bedroom to go and I’m done making this place my own! Tonight I’m sleeping on my new futon on the Tatami floor in my nice new clean (rerranged) sitting room! (I’m so happy! :P)
Also tonight I had my first Japanese bath, doesn’t sound like a big deal but I set it to run automatically while I cleaned and it was ROASTING! So I had to wait but when I got in it was weirdly fun (novelty I think!). Anyway rubber duck is on my shopping list as weekend baths are gonna start happening!
Off to sleep now, got a busy weekend ahead:
Friday- KEC for Job training, off to Michelles for drinks and shower in Gak, then in to Polo Dog to see Jo DJ.
Saturday – Playing football 1 – 4 then going to see Vissel Kobe play footy at home, then maybe going out at night.
Sunday – Of to Osaka to a one day festival of Japanese bands. Check it out Rush Ball ’09 (Osaka) 6300 Yen.
Should be fun, School opening ceremony is on Tuesday so that will be interesting too!
Bobb x
P.S. Here's a video of the baseball team practicing at school.
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