Sunday, 23 August 2009

A month in Japan....

This is my Inkan or Hanko - it's a wooden stamp with my name in Katakana - I use it to stamp official documents like bank and work stuff. It reads Turner or [Ta-Na-] the hyphen means extended sound. The box is from Muji - they have a cool store in Kobe that sells everything; Bed's, food, stationary, clothes. In the UK it's kinda like an exclusive brand but here they sell stationary and socks and t-shirts by Muji in little packs in Convenience Stores

This is Yuki, she's a really friendly outgoing Japanese girl - most of them are Uber shy

This is me at Summer Sonic after I got my arm painted with a black waxy/PVA gluey type paint stuff. Dunno why I did it, it seems like a good idea at the time - it hurt like hell to get it off - now my left arm is half as hairy as the right!

Here's Rita on the bridge that we go over everyday to get to the station. That thing at the end is a diagonal lift up the hill.

Motomachi - Shopping centre in Kobe.

Wow, so I've been here for almost a month now and it's starting to feel like home a bit. I went out last night (Friday) after work, met up with all the other JET's in the Hub and had a few double G&T's (at 240 yen a pop you can't argue, especially when a pint is 690 Yen!) then we headed to a pool hall to drink beer and shoot some pool before heading back to the Yama (Hanayama) with Kazu, a Japanese guy who is dating one of the S.African JET's and has become a friend of mine. I got pretty pissed and slept all day today :o( was a bit bummed coz I had planned to take a trip to Nara to see the Shinto Shrines and I completely wasted my Saturday instead.

Anyway I've had a chilled day so I thought I'd write to let you know what I've been up to. Basically this week I had Summer school Mon till Wed, the first day was a bit of a skive really, it was a planning day, we set up 4 rooms with activities in each one, Craft, Music, Games and Pop Culture, the next two days involved each newbie taking a group of 4 Japanese Chugako (Junior High School) Students around each of the rooms, the afternoons were spent listening to their talks in English. It was a fun 3 days and it was nice to meet some Japanese pupils, they were very shy but really sweet i'll post some pics of them. Thursday Friday were spent chillin in the KEC (Kobe Board of Education) planning my Self Intro and downloading pics of Nessie and Irn Bru ha ha!

The week prior to that was spent in the KEC in Japanese Language Lessons which was good but a little tiring doing that all day for four days. The weekend after Joe, a JET I met in Tokyo Orientation came up to stay with me for the weekend, we had a good time and went out to a club in Kobe called Beber or something, Andy got seriously wasted so we took a taxi home which cost 5500 yen! On Monday I played football (futsal) with some JET's it was really good so I'm gonna do that regularly I think.

The weekend before all that (7th, 8th & 9th) I went to Osaka to see the Summer Sonic festival. It was really good we met up with this girl called Jen from Australia who lives in Osaka and is a JET we met on our Prefectural night out in Tokyo. It was awesome, I saw Limp Bizkit, Beyonce and Lady Gaga - a bit different from my usual gigs but fun nonetheless! I've been online all night tonight looking at gigs, Cribs, Bloc Party, Praying Mantis, Chad Smiths Bombastic Meatbats, Vtalic and Marylin Manson are all coming to Osaka, oh and Black Eyed Peas are playing Kobe, plus Julian Casablancas is playing his debut solo gig in Shibuya, Tokyo on Monday. A day I have off BUT I have the first day of school on the next day which I have to be at, I looked at Shinkansen and I would cost over £200 to get there and back and I would have to leave at 9pm .... so looks like it's not gonna happen :o(

Anyway, I'm gonna go to bed, I've got soooo many pics, I'll upload a couple to the blog but the rest I'll put on Facebook tomorrow.

Bobb x

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